Monday, September 28, 2009

Beyond Words...

That is God, He is truly beyond words, I mean seriously have you ever just sat down and tried to think about how awesome He is? It will blow your mind, you can't even think thoughts high enough, or holy enough, or majestic enough, or just enough, or righteous enough, or glorious enough to imagine how good God is!! That is why He said in the Bible, my thoughts are higher than yours, and my ways are higher than yours!! God is, simply put, beyond words!!

I saw this first hand last night, we were invited to preach @ the River of Life church in Ft. Smith by Pastor Phil Redding. It was a youth service and so the focus was on the young people, and if there is one thing I know about young people these days, it's that they are dealing with hurts, pains, and pressures that would make most adults go out of their minds! So we talked to them last night about the fact that they will have hurts to deal with in their lives. Things out of their control and mistakes they make, things in their control. We told them that they have to be humbled before God, so he can mold them into the vessel of honor he has intended for us to be. We told them sometimes it will seem like their lives are spinning out of control, but rest assured that God is in control!!! As we gave the altar call and the young people came to the altar and began to pray, it was amazing to see them seek the face of God!!

So, what does this have to do with God being beyond words? As I talked with the Assistant Pastor and he began to share some of the things some of the young people were going through, I knew that God had given us that message for those specific young people!! God is so amazing, he knows what each and everyone one of us need! He knew those young people needed to hear that the hurts were not their fault, that God is in control and he has a plan for their life!! And God knew that I needed to see that God knows what He is doing and that even when we feel unworthy he can use a willing vessel!

God Bless,

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