Friday, April 30, 2010


Going to be writing some blogs on purity here in the future, but from a different perspective. You know how in the navy, they have the navy seals? Well think of purity in the sense that our level of potential is determined by our level of purity.

Purity takes committment, just like reaching that level in the navy takes committment! The stronger of a committment to being pure in all area of life we have, the greater our potential.

God Bless,

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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Without Dilution '10

Well, I think that we have finally recouped from the conference...and I am so excited about what God did last Wednesday night and there are so many things I could say about the Conference but I just wanted to say a few things here real quick.

1. There were 21 different churches represented there last Wednesday night and that is amazing to me, that the body of Christ would come together and take a stand to show young people that we care that they live lives of purity in every area of their life. While sexual purity is one of our primary focus', we want young people to realize that purity starts in the heart and flows out to all different avenues of life!! Proverbs 4:23 - Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

2. One of the most powerful moments of the night was at the Prayer Challenge, when we gave the students an opportunity to respond to the Gospel, all of the Youth Pastors came up to the front before the students, to show them that they were there to pray with them and show that they care...It was awesome, I know that there were students there that didn't think anyone cared about them, but when they saw so many Youth Pastors that truly cared about them, it impacted them forever!!

3. Heaven was having a huge party that night as 3 young people made the decision to make Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord of their life!! Luke 15:10 - ...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

God Bless,

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


Just a little over 24 hours left until Without Dilution '10...I had a nightmare last night that the sound equipment died on us and everyone left, it's quite comical the more I think about it. It has gotten me to start thinking about a backup plan, in case something way out of the ordinary happens!

We hope to see you there tomorrow night, it starts @ 6:30 P.M. at the White Auditorium on the campus of Northwest Arkansas Community College. Come early to register and make sure that you can get a good seat!

God Bless,
Nathan & Melanie

Sunday, April 11, 2010

3 days...

So we are only 3 days away from WD '10, it's going to be amazing btw!!!

I have 2 thoughts that I want to share with you;

1. Jesus obeyed God 100% of the time and he led 12 disciples, he mentored them, gave them practical evey day advice, explained to them great spiritual truths, and much much more. But I was reading the Bibke the other day and it just hit me, if we judged Jesus' ministry on his ability to impact every persons life that he cane in contact with, Luke we do ourselves so many times, than Jesus' ministry could be though of as lacking. Think about it, he went into a city and there was no great miracles done, he had 12 disciples and one of them actually betrayed him and gave him up to be crucified, I mean that's not the 100% success rate that we hold ourselves to. The one common denominator here is the receiver, all we can do is obey God and after that it is between God and the individual.

2. Before we can begin to work on our paralle relationships we must first make sure that out vertical relationship is right...we must make sure that our relationship with God is right, we must do a self examination. More times than not, if we are having problems in a certain relationship, if we look inward we will find the problem is ours and not everyone else.

God bless,

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Friday, April 9, 2010

5 Days...

All of the preparation that we can make for Wednesday has been made, now comes 5 days that will be slow-moving, anxiety filled, day-dreaming, praying, and waiting. I am more than ready and can't with to meet as many people as I can that will be there, I can't wait to address our staff and volunteers and thank them for all of their hard work, and I especially can't wait to see what God is going to do in the hearts and lives of everyone there, particularly the students!!

This is going to be our best conference yet, we will break every record that we have this year, we are going to pack that place to the brim!!! And most importantly, God is going to meet us there and he is going to reveal His glory to us and well it's just going to be amazing, be there!!!

April 14th at the White Auditorium on the campus of Northwest Arkansas Community College @ 6:30PM, get there early for registration!

God Bless,

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

7 Days

Unbelievable, only 7 days until Without Dilution Purity Conference '10, it is going to be incredible and I know already that God is going to do more amazing things then we could ever imagine and we will hear stories months from now of young people whose lives were changed not from anything that we do or say, but from the power of God working in their lives!

My wife and I have been running around like crazy making sure that we have everything in order for next Wednesday, we are almost there!! It has been amazing to see the amount of excitement and participation from so many churches in the area and as a result the word is getting wouldn't surprise me if that auditorium is standing room only!!! Begin praying with us now that God is going to do some amazing things, because if His Spirit does not go before us and if His presence is not there with us, we will fail. But, if His presence is there, there is no limit to what God can do in every life there Wednesday!!

God Bless,

Monday, April 5, 2010

He is coming back...

With Easter Sunday now past and good Friday behind us, many people have a tendency to go back into the normal routine of life and return to doing the things that they were doing before this most sacred of holidays, but that is not where the story ends, quite the contrary the story of Christ is just beginning at the point of the resurrection!

It's so easy to remember that Christ died and rose again, but we so easily forget that Christ sent the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, to empower us to live lives "without dilution" so when He comes back that we will be ready to meet him in the air!! The Bible says this, Ephesians 5:27 - That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. The bible is telling us there that he is coming back for people that are living lives "without dilution," people that are truly, "redeeming the time..."

Let's start living our lives "without dilution," live our lives in purity because Christ isn't coming back for anything less than a bride that is without spot or wrinkle, he is coming back for a pure church!!

God Bless,

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Resurrection Sunday

I love resurrection Sunday, it's great to know that Christ died for our sins but the resurrection Ganges everything it shows that we have victory over death hell and the grave.

We don't have to fear death because the resurrection of Christ shows that one day we will have an eternal body because Jesus rose from the grave!! We don't have to fear hell because our salvation gives us a place in heaven!! We don't have to fear the grave for when the trumpet sounds and we are called up to meet Christ, the Bible says that the dead in Hrist will be the first ones to met Him!!! So, no matter what we win, because of not only the cross, but because Jesus is alive!!!!

God Bless,

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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Sunday's coming

I love the fact that Christ died on Calvary to cleanse me from my sins!!! But, praise God he is alive and that gives me hope to know that even in the darkest of times, I have hope because Sunday is coming!!!

God Bless,

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Thursday, April 1, 2010

WD is now on FB(Facebook)

Without Dilution now has a page on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!!

God Bless,

Intense Debate Comments