Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Without Dilution '10

Well, I think that we have finally recouped from the conference...and I am so excited about what God did last Wednesday night and there are so many things I could say about the Conference but I just wanted to say a few things here real quick.

1. There were 21 different churches represented there last Wednesday night and that is amazing to me, that the body of Christ would come together and take a stand to show young people that we care that they live lives of purity in every area of their life. While sexual purity is one of our primary focus', we want young people to realize that purity starts in the heart and flows out to all different avenues of life!! Proverbs 4:23 - Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.

2. One of the most powerful moments of the night was at the Prayer Challenge, when we gave the students an opportunity to respond to the Gospel, all of the Youth Pastors came up to the front before the students, to show them that they were there to pray with them and show that they care...It was awesome, I know that there were students there that didn't think anyone cared about them, but when they saw so many Youth Pastors that truly cared about them, it impacted them forever!!

3. Heaven was having a huge party that night as 3 young people made the decision to make Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord of their life!! Luke 15:10 - ...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."

God Bless,

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