Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Identity Crisis - Day 4

Day 4;

Genesis 37:8 - And his brothers said to him, "Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?" So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words.

Have you ever had a dream, something that you wanted so badly to do, but wasn't quite sure you thought it could ever happen? Have you ever told that dream to someone only to have them become angry with you? Have you ever had a passion for something and you wanted so much to dedicate your life and your everything towards that passion and towards that dream? Have you ever told someone about that passion and dream only to have them tell you all of the reasons why I would never work and why it would never happen to you?

Can you imagine the way Joseph must've felt? He couldn't help the dreams that God had given him, grantes he could've been a little less energetic in the many times he told his brothers of his dreams, but still who wouldn't want to tell others about the dreams that God had given them?

It's amazing how no matter what circumstance Joseph was in, he never let go of the dreams that God had given him. I think his determination, that no matter what he was not going to give up on his dreams, and his trust in God is what got him through those times when it didn't look like there was any way possible that his dreams were going to come true.

So, whether you are in the Pit, the Prison, or the Palace...never give up on the dreams that God has given you. Stay true to who you are in Christ and press towards the dreams that he has given you! Take night classes to get that degree you've dreamed about, take lessons to learn that musical instrument you've always dreamed of playing, put money back here and there saving towards that Missions trip that you've dreamed of going on, begin wiriting the outline for the book that God has given you a dream to write, whatever your dream is do what you can now to show God that no matter what I will not give up on the dream ou have given me!

God Bless,


Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Identity Crisis - Day 3

Day 3; It's amazing when you begin to make strides Spiritually, how much the enemy will fight! How he has tried to plant seeds of doubt and unbelief throughout the day, but the difference maker has been the fact that I have come into this thing really studying the Scriptures and what God has to say about my identity and who I am in Him. As a result of this, these Scriptures have been planted in my mind and I have been meditating on them throughout the day and as a result, I have discovered a strength in truly standing on and believing the Word of God! It is so powerful, when you can actualy grab ahold of these simple truths. I have been redeemed, I am more than a conqueror, I am an overcomer, I am a child of the King, I am a joint-heir with Christ, I have been Chosen, God has the plan for my life written on the palm of his hand, I am saved!!! It is important to realize that as you take this journey it will not be easy, there will still be times of doubt, there will still be times where you don't "feel" saved, there will be times that you feel as though you woke up with the world on top of you and don't quite feel on top of the world. It is in these times that what you know is truly tested, it is now that you have to make up your mind if you truly believe or not. Here is what I gleaned from the Word of God about who I am as a Christian today; Romans 8:16, 17 - The Spirit Himself bears witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God, and if children, then heirs-heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Something very powerful to notice in that passage, it says that His Spirit will bear witness wiht didn't say that you will feel that you are saved or that someone will tell you that you are saved, but it says that His Spirit will bear witness with yours. This means that His Spirit is always in line with his Word, so if you are out of line with His Word.... I am Free; Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do nt walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Here we see again this promise of being free from condemnation and having liberty in Christ all comes as a result of walking according to the Spirit and not the flesh. When you walk after the Spirit of God, you are free from condemnation, the blood of Jesus Christ has made you free. When you walk after the Spirit, you are a child of the King, the blood of Jesus Christ has made it possible for you to become His child, the blood has made your Adoption into the family of God possible. So, walk after His Spirit!!! God Bless, Nathan

Monday, March 28, 2011

Identity Crisis - Day 2

Day 2; As I said yesterday, over the course of the next month I am going to be taking a journey through the Word of God to find out who I am as a Christian, a Husband, a Father, and a Minster of the Gospel. I believe this is something that we all need to do at one time or another, if for no other reason but to be reminded of the basic things that God has commissioned us to do. Of course, you may not have the same "titles" as I do so you'll want to take this journey and alter it to fit the few things that you could add Son, Brother, Employee, etc. So, here is what I have gleaned from God's spoken Word today; As a Christian, I am;

  • Chosen - 1 Peter 2:9; But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light; Something very humbling to think about in that passage of Scripture...Yaweh, the very creator of the Universe, the one that spun the stars and the planets into existence, the one that sits now uppn His throne hearing and answering the prayers of millions, the one that breathed the very breath of life into Adam....He CHOSE me and no only that but He brought me into the light, he gave me not only life but that more abundantly? That is more than I can comprehend but, it's true!

  • Part of the Family - Roman 8:15 - For you did not receive the spirit of bondage again to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, "Abba, Father." When I am full of the Holy Spirit, I believe you will find this Spirit of Adoption, because where the Spirit of the Lord is there is Liberty!! In His presence there is a peace that passes all understanding and a joy that is unspeakable and full of glory!!

There are so many more verses that I have found that are helpfu in defining who I am as a Christian and I will get into these as I move along this journey. I felt it very important that tonight, I first understand as a Christian I am a child of the King I am a joint heir with Christ! HE chose me and he has designed it for me to have life and to have it more abundantly!!!!

God Bless,


Sunday, March 27, 2011

Identity Crisis

I have reached a crucial point in my journey, I am having an Identity Crisis. I don't say this to receive pity nor am I saying this to accept advice. I only hope that on this journey to find who I am in Christ, that I will be able to help someone else along the way. To do this, I am issuing a challenege to myself, a 30 day blog challenge. I will be blogging everyday for 30 days on the journey to find who I am in Christ. The way I will be doing this will be by going through the Bible and finding out what God has to say about who I am. As I began to pray about this I felt the Holy Spirit speak to me that there are a few things that I am at this point. 1. I am a Christian 2. I am a Husband 3. I am a Father 4. I am a Minsiter So, for the next 30 days I will be blogging about these 4 areas and I will be taking a journey through the Word of God to find out more importantly what God has to say about who I am. I am confident that this will be an incredible journey and I cannot wait to see what God has in store over the next month! Stay tuned in and let me know any feedback you might have! God Bless, Nathan

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Jesus is coming soon

Been thinking a lot about the coming of the Lord here lately and have seen it confirmed several times in the last week that the coming of Christ could happen at any moment. It's important that we keep this at the front of our mind, not to be the driving force of our dedication to Christ. But, to serve as a reminder that as John 9:4 reminds us, "I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work."

Not only do we need to be busy about the Father's business, but we also must remember the Word of God tells us that he is coming back for a church that is without spot or wrinkle and that is holy and without blemish. This is why purity is of the highest priority in our lives. When He comes back let him find faith in the earth, and let one those that he finds faithful, let it be me!

God Bless,

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