Monday, June 7, 2010

Somebody's watching you

Ever get that feeling that someone is watching you and you look around and no one is even looking at you? Well, that's not what I'm talking I was talking with some people I know today and they were telling me some of the things a fellow believer in Christ had done in the workplace and it did not take me long to see that their experience with this Christian had soured their view of the Church. I was angry, disappointed, and heart broken.

I would rather someone not even confess to believe in Christ, than to boldly proclaim their faith in Christ and immediately deny Him with their lifestyle. The # 1 way people can tell that you are a true believer in Christ, that you are a true Christian, is to spend time with you. After awhile your actions will either back up what you have said or they will completely contradict what you have said. It is easier to say that you believe something, than to live like you believe something!

So next time you have the opportunity to say something you shouldn't or to make a choice that results in the weakening of your moral fiber and character, remember that there is a World of people whose eyes are on you and are not judging you on what you say, but on what you do or what you produce. The Word of God tells us in Matthew 7 that you will be able to know if a tree is good or bad, because you can judge it by it's fruit. A good tree will not produce bad fruit and a bad tree will not produce good fruit. Never judge one's intentions, only their fruit.

Please be the salt and the light of the World as God has called us to be!!

God Bless,

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