Sunday, April 11, 2010

3 days...

So we are only 3 days away from WD '10, it's going to be amazing btw!!!

I have 2 thoughts that I want to share with you;

1. Jesus obeyed God 100% of the time and he led 12 disciples, he mentored them, gave them practical evey day advice, explained to them great spiritual truths, and much much more. But I was reading the Bibke the other day and it just hit me, if we judged Jesus' ministry on his ability to impact every persons life that he cane in contact with, Luke we do ourselves so many times, than Jesus' ministry could be though of as lacking. Think about it, he went into a city and there was no great miracles done, he had 12 disciples and one of them actually betrayed him and gave him up to be crucified, I mean that's not the 100% success rate that we hold ourselves to. The one common denominator here is the receiver, all we can do is obey God and after that it is between God and the individual.

2. Before we can begin to work on our paralle relationships we must first make sure that out vertical relationship is right...we must make sure that our relationship with God is right, we must do a self examination. More times than not, if we are having problems in a certain relationship, if we look inward we will find the problem is ours and not everyone else.

God bless,

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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