Sunday, November 22, 2009

Help Wanted

Help Wanted: There are people all around you that just want to know that someone cares about them and what they are going through, I mean really cares!! Just met a young man last week and he just began to share with me some of the things that were going on in his life, things that were not minor difficulties, but serious life changing situations!! All he wanted was to know that someone cared for him!!!

So I let him know that I would be praying for him, gave him my card, and have already been bringing him before the Lord!! Do someone a favor today, take a couple of minutes out of your day sit down and listen to what is going on in their life and really show that you care about what's going in their lives!!! It won't always be "easy" but, as the Word of God says, the harvest is plentiful, but the laborers are few...(Matthew 9:37)

God Bless,

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