Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Salt Pillars

Heard a great message last night on Hebrews 12 and the great cloud of witnesses that are in heaven cheering us on and Bro. Taylor also talked about Job's wife and how when the angel of the Lord came to deliver them from Sodom and Gomorrah he told them leave the city and don't look back for nothing. Which was God's way of telling us that we need to leave our sins and never look back!!

There are many great Godly men and women in heaven that are rooting for us and if they could tell us anything they would tell us, run on!!! Don't look back, there is nothing on earth that is worth missing heaven for!! It reminded me of the loved ones that I have lost that are there now and I can hear them telling me now, run on, run on, run on!!!! Hebrews 12 talks about running the race with patience, very important that we remember to do this, because this race is not a sprint, it is a marathon...so run on!

The only thing is that I am seeing a lot more salt pillars than I want to see, there are people turning back on God and they are turning back for things that will leave them thirsty for more and unsatisfied...so if you're reading this now and feel as though your faith is faltering or you feel weary..RUN ON!!! Don't look back, don't be a salt pillar...RUN ON!!!

God Bless,

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