Wednesday, October 14, 2009


Prayer is such a vital part to our relationship with God, I mean think about it...what if you only talked to your friends once, maybe twice a week? The relationship would suffer, you wouldn't know anything about your friend, you wouldn't know the things they like, the things they don't like, their goals, their dreams, their passions, none of that. You would know who they were, but you wouldn't know them! Same thing with a marriage or even a dating relationship, do you think the relationship would last long or have any kind of strength if the only time you talked to your spouse occasionally throughout the week and the only time you really took time to talk to them was when you wanted something from them...just a hint that relationship won't last long!

So, why do we act like it's so different with God? We will never see the revival that we say we want, we will never see the lost come to know Christ, we will never see the drunk freed from his addiction, we will never see the homosexual delivered from the bondage of their sin, UNTIL we learn what it means to pray. We MUST have a continual conversation with God, when we do we will know his will, we will know his passions, his heart, his desires!! The Bible says this, 2 Chronicles 7:14 - If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and PRAY, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways: then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. (emphasis added)

Notice the scripture says to "seek His face," which means that we are not asking God to do anything for us, but we are simply wanting to know Him. The writer in Philippians 3:10 simply said, "That I may know him..." I implore you to cry out to God, let Him know, all I want is to know you!!

Don't be satisfied with anything less than an extraordinary walk with God!
God Bless,

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