Thursday, October 8, 2009


Wow, it is crazy how God created us where we can be filled with so many different emotions! Just earlier today, my wife and I, we said good-bye to one of my closest friends and his wife, that is going to Vanuatu for 2 years. It is unbelievable the vast mix of emotions that I am feeling right now and without a doubt, all of Steven's family and friends are feeling right now. I am so excited about what God is going to do through Steven and Kara, I am sad to see them go and not be able to hang out with them for another 2 years, and I am anxious to hear the great testimonies of God's power being made manifest in their lives!

Most of all I realized how tough it was to say good-bye, we hugged and said our goodbyes, and took pictures. And as we did this i realized why God commanded his disciples to GO! Because think about it, if Jesus had just suggested that it would be nice if we went, or mentioned how great it would be if we were His witnesses to the World, do you think there would have been such an urgency about preaching the Gospel?? I don't think so, we're too comfortable to take action from a suggestion, too at ease to have a passion for something that would be good, if it happened!!

Jesus commanded us to GO into all the World and preach the Gospel, to be His witnesses! Sure, he may not call you to somewhere across the seas, but what are you doing to obey that commandment in your own neighborhood?

BE His witnesses!!!

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