Tuesday, March 23, 2010

The Right Tools

So I walked out to the garage Saturday morning to begin my errand running and our van had a flat, I was unable to do anything about as the tire shops were about to close so I had to wait until Monday to get it taken care of. So Sunday night I got out there and got the jack out of the back of the van and started jacking the van up so I could get the tire out and as I was doing that I noticed that the jack was leaning it was almost to the point that it couldn't go any higher and I still had quite a bit of height to go.

It was frustrating, disappointing and it was a little scary because at any moment that jack could have slipped out from underneath the van and it might have come out and hit me, that would not have been good!! So I went to my neighbors house and he was kind enough to lend me his NASCAR jack that got the van to where I needed it in 3 pumps!!

As I was coming inside my wife said wow that didn't take long and I as the words came out of my mouth the Holy Spirit began to speak to me, I told her, "things are alot easier when you have the right tools." And I realized that so many times I try to use the wrong tools to get things done in my walk with God and it can be frustrating, disappointing, and scary at times. I try so many times to do things in my own power when I should be letting God fight my battles!!

But when we use the tools that God has given us then things are a lot easier!!

Are you using the right tools?

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