Thursday, August 28, 2008


I was just listening to a preacher this morning talking about passing the torch to the next generation, he stated that a study showed that in 4 generations, starting with the "builder generation," has went from 60% evangelical christians to 4% in our generation, let me explain.

The "builder" generation was born between 1927-1945, of this generation 60% are evangelical christians, the next generation is the "boomer" generation 1946-1964 and 35% of that generation are evangelical christians. The "buster" generation 1965-1983 and 16% of that generation are evangelical christians the next generation, this generation is the bridger generation 1984-present only 4% of this generation are evangelical christians!!! 4%?!?!?!?


This is crazy!!! We have more programs, more technology, more churches, more preachers, more bible studies, more books, more denominations than any other time in history and only 4% of my generation has chosen to live for God?? So, what is the problem?? Why are we choosing to be the church only on Sunday? Why are we only being the church inside the 4 walls of our comfortable buildings?? Why have I wasted so much of my time on foolish endeavours chasing after things that will amount to nothing when I stand before Almighty God? Why? 96% of this generation, 96% of people 24 and younger are living a life without Christ, living a life of hopelessness, living for today, not knowing the eternal ramifications of their lifestyles....

It is time for the 4% that are sold-out to God to stand up and say I will pick up the baton that was handed down to me, the faith that my father and his father so earnestly contended for and say like the disciples that walked with God, WE WILL TURN THIS WORLD UPSIDE DOWN FOR CHRIST!!!

I will not tell my friends and family things that will tickle their ears and make them feel good about themselves, I will tell them of the judgement of God against sin, and I will let them know that God's love has been extended to them, that he stands at the door and knocks!!! That he waits for them with open arms and nail scarred hands that bore their sin, that his blood was shed on an old rugged cross to heal them of their sickness, that his side was pierced and blood and water flowed from his side that we might escape the judgement of Hell and live with him forever more in Heaven!!! That 96% must hear this message, what is holding you back from telling them?

That is what a life "without dilution" is really all about!!

God Bless,

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