Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Monkey see, Monkey do

You've heard the expression monkey see, monkey do?? As we are talking about how the culture affects young people and people in general, I wanted to share this quick thought with you tonight.

I was getting ready for Bible Study earlier tonight and was fixing my hair and my 16 month old son came up behind me and started watching the way I was fixing my hair. After a couple of minutes he figured that he needed to fix his hair as well so he started mimicking my actions.

This triggered a question in my mind, if a 16 month old copies the actions of someone he loves and looks up to, how much more do teenagers do this all the time?? Why do teenage guys think it is cool to have sex with as many girls as they possibly can, because that is what is portrayed as normal and is even praised in our culture. Why do teenage girls think that it is cool to get pregnant outside of marriage, because in the last few years this is something that has been glorified in our culture.

Teenager, instead of looking for someone here to model yourself after, why not look into the Bible and model yourself after Jesus Christ!! Men will always let us down, but Jesus will never fail!! He is a friend that sticketh closer than a brother.

Parents, Pastors, Youth Pastors, etc., know that there are teenagers that are going to be watching you, we need to develop a relationship with Jesus Christ and anytime a young person seems to trying to model themselves after you let them know that they need to be looking to Jesus Christ!!!

God Bless,

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