Day 4;
Genesis 37:8 - And his brothers said to him, "Shall you indeed reign over us? Or shall you indeed have dominion over us?" So they hated him even more for his dreams and for his words.
Have you ever had a dream, something that you wanted so badly to do, but wasn't quite sure you thought it could ever happen? Have you ever told that dream to someone only to have them become angry with you? Have you ever had a passion for something and you wanted so much to dedicate your life and your everything towards that passion and towards that dream? Have you ever told someone about that passion and dream only to have them tell you all of the reasons why I would never work and why it would never happen to you?
Can you imagine the way Joseph must've felt? He couldn't help the dreams that God had given him, grantes he could've been a little less energetic in the many times he told his brothers of his dreams, but still who wouldn't want to tell others about the dreams that God had given them?
It's amazing how no matter what circumstance Joseph was in, he never let go of the dreams that God had given him. I think his determination, that no matter what he was not going to give up on his dreams, and his trust in God is what got him through those times when it didn't look like there was any way possible that his dreams were going to come true.
So, whether you are in the Pit, the Prison, or the Palace...never give up on the dreams that God has given you. Stay true to who you are in Christ and press towards the dreams that he has given you! Take night classes to get that degree you've dreamed about, take lessons to learn that musical instrument you've always dreamed of playing, put money back here and there saving towards that Missions trip that you've dreamed of going on, begin wiriting the outline for the book that God has given you a dream to write, whatever your dream is do what you can now to show God that no matter what I will not give up on the dream ou have given me!
God Bless,