Day 3; It's amazing when you begin to make strides Spiritually, how much the enemy will fight! How he has tried to plant seeds of doubt and unbelief throughout the day, but the difference maker has been the fact that I have come into this thing really studying the Scriptures and what God has to say about my identity and who I am in Him. As a result of this, these Scriptures have been planted in my mind and I have been meditating on them throughout the day and as a result, I have discovered a strength in truly standing on and believing the Word of God! It is so powerful, when you can actualy grab ahold of these simple truths. I have been redeemed, I am more than a conqueror, I am an overcomer, I am a child of the King, I am a joint-heir with Christ, I have been Chosen, God has the plan for my life written on the palm of his hand, I am saved!!! It is important to realize that as you take this journey it will not be easy, there will still be times of doubt, there will still be times where you don't "feel" saved, there will be times that you feel as though you woke up with the world on top of you and don't quite feel on top of the world. It is in these times that what you know is truly tested, it is now that you have to make up your mind if you truly believe or not. Here is what I gleaned from the Word of God about who I am as a Christian today;
Romans 8:16, 17 - The Spirit Himself bears witness with our Spirit that we are the children of God, and if children, then heirs-heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, if indeed we suffer with Him, that we may also be glorified together. Something very powerful to notice in that passage, it says that His Spirit will bear witness wiht ours...it didn't say that you will feel that you are saved or that someone will tell you that you are saved, but it says that His Spirit will bear witness with yours. This means that His Spirit is always in line with his Word, so if you are out of line with His Word.... I am Free;
Romans 8:1 - There is therefore now no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus, who do nt walk according to the flesh, but according to the Spirit. Here we see again this promise of being free from condemnation and having liberty in Christ all comes as a result of walking according to the Spirit and not the flesh. When you walk after the Spirit of God, you are free from condemnation, the blood of Jesus Christ has made you free. When you walk after the Spirit, you are a child of the King, the blood of Jesus Christ has made it possible for you to become His child, the blood has made your Adoption into the family of God possible. So, walk after His Spirit!!! God Bless, Nathan