This is truly an understatement, I don't think the words exist in the english language that can express eloquently enough, the fact that God is Faithful!
I challenge you to begin a journal today of specific prayers that you are praying and begin to watch God answer them and in 30 days go back and take a look and see the many times that God has answered your prayers, you will be amazed.
It has been awhile since I last blogged and I am now starting to get the itch again, and the one thing that keeps resonating in my mind is the fact that God is Faithful!
God Bless,
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Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Monday, June 7, 2010
Somebody's watching you
Ever get that feeling that someone is watching you and you look around and no one is even looking at you? Well, that's not what I'm talking I was talking with some people I know today and they were telling me some of the things a fellow believer in Christ had done in the workplace and it did not take me long to see that their experience with this Christian had soured their view of the Church. I was angry, disappointed, and heart broken.
I would rather someone not even confess to believe in Christ, than to boldly proclaim their faith in Christ and immediately deny Him with their lifestyle. The # 1 way people can tell that you are a true believer in Christ, that you are a true Christian, is to spend time with you. After awhile your actions will either back up what you have said or they will completely contradict what you have said. It is easier to say that you believe something, than to live like you believe something!
So next time you have the opportunity to say something you shouldn't or to make a choice that results in the weakening of your moral fiber and character, remember that there is a World of people whose eyes are on you and are not judging you on what you say, but on what you do or what you produce. The Word of God tells us in Matthew 7 that you will be able to know if a tree is good or bad, because you can judge it by it's fruit. A good tree will not produce bad fruit and a bad tree will not produce good fruit. Never judge one's intentions, only their fruit.
Please be the salt and the light of the World as God has called us to be!!
God Bless,
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sex is like fire
Sex is like fire?? What? Yeah, sex is like fire in this way, both are good and can be very pleasant and beneficial when they are used inside the correct boundaries. Think about it, you come in from the cold to a fire on your couch are you going to go and warm yourself by it, NO, you're going to do whatever you can to put it out, because it could be dangerous and destroy your house or even take your life.
The same can be said with sex, when it is outside the confines of marriage, it can be dangerous, it can hurt you and others and even destroy your life! STD's, the burden of children before you're ready, not being able to complete your education, etc. the list goes on and on, not to mention the spiritual ramifications. Sex outside of marriage is sin and sin is not allowed in the presence of a holy God, but the good news is this, God sent his only Son Jesus to die on a cross for you!! And because of that, you can have forgiveness for any sin and come to know Jesus as your personal Lord and Savior!!
If you have asked Jesus into your heart, please contact us and let us know!!
God Bless,
Friday, April 30, 2010
Going to be writing some blogs on purity here in the future, but from a different perspective. You know how in the navy, they have the navy seals? Well think of purity in the sense that our level of potential is determined by our level of purity.
Purity takes committment, just like reaching that level in the navy takes committment! The stronger of a committment to being pure in all area of life we have, the greater our potential.
God Bless,
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Purity takes committment, just like reaching that level in the navy takes committment! The stronger of a committment to being pure in all area of life we have, the greater our potential.
God Bless,
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Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Without Dilution '10
Well, I think that we have finally recouped from the conference...and I am so excited about what God did last Wednesday night and there are so many things I could say about the Conference but I just wanted to say a few things here real quick.
1. There were 21 different churches represented there last Wednesday night and that is amazing to me, that the body of Christ would come together and take a stand to show young people that we care that they live lives of purity in every area of their life. While sexual purity is one of our primary focus', we want young people to realize that purity starts in the heart and flows out to all different avenues of life!! Proverbs 4:23 - Keep your heart with all diligence, For out of it spring the issues of life.
2. One of the most powerful moments of the night was at the Prayer Challenge, when we gave the students an opportunity to respond to the Gospel, all of the Youth Pastors came up to the front before the students, to show them that they were there to pray with them and show that they care...It was awesome, I know that there were students there that didn't think anyone cared about them, but when they saw so many Youth Pastors that truly cared about them, it impacted them forever!!
3. Heaven was having a huge party that night as 3 young people made the decision to make Jesus Christ the Savior and Lord of their life!! Luke 15:10 - ...there is rejoicing in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner who repents."
God Bless,
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Just a little over 24 hours left until Without Dilution '10...I had a nightmare last night that the sound equipment died on us and everyone left, it's quite comical the more I think about it. It has gotten me to start thinking about a backup plan, in case something way out of the ordinary happens!
We hope to see you there tomorrow night, it starts @ 6:30 P.M. at the White Auditorium on the campus of Northwest Arkansas Community College. Come early to register and make sure that you can get a good seat!
God Bless,
Nathan & Melanie
Sunday, April 11, 2010
3 days...
So we are only 3 days away from WD '10, it's going to be amazing btw!!!
I have 2 thoughts that I want to share with you;
1. Jesus obeyed God 100% of the time and he led 12 disciples, he mentored them, gave them practical evey day advice, explained to them great spiritual truths, and much much more. But I was reading the Bibke the other day and it just hit me, if we judged Jesus' ministry on his ability to impact every persons life that he cane in contact with, Luke we do ourselves so many times, than Jesus' ministry could be though of as lacking. Think about it, he went into a city and there was no great miracles done, he had 12 disciples and one of them actually betrayed him and gave him up to be crucified, I mean that's not the 100% success rate that we hold ourselves to. The one common denominator here is the receiver, all we can do is obey God and after that it is between God and the individual.
2. Before we can begin to work on our paralle relationships we must first make sure that out vertical relationship is right...we must make sure that our relationship with God is right, we must do a self examination. More times than not, if we are having problems in a certain relationship, if we look inward we will find the problem is ours and not everyone else.
God bless,
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I have 2 thoughts that I want to share with you;
1. Jesus obeyed God 100% of the time and he led 12 disciples, he mentored them, gave them practical evey day advice, explained to them great spiritual truths, and much much more. But I was reading the Bibke the other day and it just hit me, if we judged Jesus' ministry on his ability to impact every persons life that he cane in contact with, Luke we do ourselves so many times, than Jesus' ministry could be though of as lacking. Think about it, he went into a city and there was no great miracles done, he had 12 disciples and one of them actually betrayed him and gave him up to be crucified, I mean that's not the 100% success rate that we hold ourselves to. The one common denominator here is the receiver, all we can do is obey God and after that it is between God and the individual.
2. Before we can begin to work on our paralle relationships we must first make sure that out vertical relationship is right...we must make sure that our relationship with God is right, we must do a self examination. More times than not, if we are having problems in a certain relationship, if we look inward we will find the problem is ours and not everyone else.
God bless,
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Friday, April 9, 2010
5 Days...
All of the preparation that we can make for Wednesday has been made, now comes 5 days that will be slow-moving, anxiety filled, day-dreaming, praying, and waiting. I am more than ready and can't with to meet as many people as I can that will be there, I can't wait to address our staff and volunteers and thank them for all of their hard work, and I especially can't wait to see what God is going to do in the hearts and lives of everyone there, particularly the students!!
This is going to be our best conference yet, we will break every record that we have this year, we are going to pack that place to the brim!!! And most importantly, God is going to meet us there and he is going to reveal His glory to us and well it's just going to be amazing, be there!!!
April 14th at the White Auditorium on the campus of Northwest Arkansas Community College @ 6:30PM, get there early for registration!
God Bless,
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
7 Days
Unbelievable, only 7 days until Without Dilution Purity Conference '10, it is going to be incredible and I know already that God is going to do more amazing things then we could ever imagine and we will hear stories months from now of young people whose lives were changed not from anything that we do or say, but from the power of God working in their lives!
My wife and I have been running around like crazy making sure that we have everything in order for next Wednesday, we are almost there!! It has been amazing to see the amount of excitement and participation from so many churches in the area and as a result the word is getting wouldn't surprise me if that auditorium is standing room only!!! Begin praying with us now that God is going to do some amazing things, because if His Spirit does not go before us and if His presence is not there with us, we will fail. But, if His presence is there, there is no limit to what God can do in every life there Wednesday!!
God Bless,
Monday, April 5, 2010
He is coming back...
With Easter Sunday now past and good Friday behind us, many people have a tendency to go back into the normal routine of life and return to doing the things that they were doing before this most sacred of holidays, but that is not where the story ends, quite the contrary the story of Christ is just beginning at the point of the resurrection!
It's so easy to remember that Christ died and rose again, but we so easily forget that Christ sent the Comforter, the Holy Ghost, to empower us to live lives "without dilution" so when He comes back that we will be ready to meet him in the air!! The Bible says this, Ephesians 5:27 - That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish. The bible is telling us there that he is coming back for people that are living lives "without dilution," people that are truly, "redeeming the time..."
Let's start living our lives "without dilution," live our lives in purity because Christ isn't coming back for anything less than a bride that is without spot or wrinkle, he is coming back for a pure church!!
God Bless,
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Resurrection Sunday
I love resurrection Sunday, it's great to know that Christ died for our sins but the resurrection Ganges everything it shows that we have victory over death hell and the grave.
We don't have to fear death because the resurrection of Christ shows that one day we will have an eternal body because Jesus rose from the grave!! We don't have to fear hell because our salvation gives us a place in heaven!! We don't have to fear the grave for when the trumpet sounds and we are called up to meet Christ, the Bible says that the dead in Hrist will be the first ones to met Him!!! So, no matter what we win, because of not only the cross, but because Jesus is alive!!!!
God Bless,
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We don't have to fear death because the resurrection of Christ shows that one day we will have an eternal body because Jesus rose from the grave!! We don't have to fear hell because our salvation gives us a place in heaven!! We don't have to fear the grave for when the trumpet sounds and we are called up to meet Christ, the Bible says that the dead in Hrist will be the first ones to met Him!!! So, no matter what we win, because of not only the cross, but because Jesus is alive!!!!
God Bless,
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Saturday, April 3, 2010
Sunday's coming
I love the fact that Christ died on Calvary to cleanse me from my sins!!! But, praise God he is alive and that gives me hope to know that even in the darkest of times, I have hope because Sunday is coming!!!
God Bless,
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God Bless,
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Thursday, April 1, 2010
WD is now on FB(Facebook)
Without Dilution now has a page on Facebook, check it out and become a fan!!
God Bless,
Wednesday, March 31, 2010
14 days
We are only 14 days away from Without Dilution '10!!! I am seriously beyond pumped, I think that this could be the night that a young man or woman could "break the mold," and find that when God is the one doing the molding and the forming of your life that there is alot less heart ache and pain, there is life and more than that, it's abundant life!
You see breaking the mold is more than going against the grain of our society, it is more than taking a stand for purity, it is more than abstaining from bad movies or music, it's about breaking the mold of sin that we are all born into, it's about becoming humble before God and giving him the broken pieces of our sinful heart and letting Him begin to mold us and make us into His image!
Be there @ 6:30 on April 14th at the white auditorium on the campus of northwest Arkansas community college exit 86 off of I-540 in Rogers, Ar.
God bless,
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You see breaking the mold is more than going against the grain of our society, it is more than taking a stand for purity, it is more than abstaining from bad movies or music, it's about breaking the mold of sin that we are all born into, it's about becoming humble before God and giving him the broken pieces of our sinful heart and letting Him begin to mold us and make us into His image!
Be there @ 6:30 on April 14th at the white auditorium on the campus of northwest Arkansas community college exit 86 off of I-540 in Rogers, Ar.
God bless,
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Sunday, March 28, 2010
Faith - The End
Faith is such a difficult topic to discuss, it is one of thos things that is widely misunderstood, you see we view faith as a means to an end when faith is the end...we think of faith as a tool to vet us what we want from God when God really just wants us to have faith!!!
Think of the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11, the Bible says that there were some that died in faith not having received the tangible fulfillment of the promise God made to them, wow, how can we have a faith like that, simple have an eternity focused faith...all of these heroes had one thing in common, they were looking for something better, a city whose builder and maker is God!!!
Want to be a great man or woman of faith look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, have an eternity focused faith!!!
God Bless,
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Think of the heroes of the faith in Hebrews 11, the Bible says that there were some that died in faith not having received the tangible fulfillment of the promise God made to them, wow, how can we have a faith like that, simple have an eternity focused faith...all of these heroes had one thing in common, they were looking for something better, a city whose builder and maker is God!!!
Want to be a great man or woman of faith look unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith, have an eternity focused faith!!!
God Bless,
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Tuesday, March 23, 2010
The Right Tools
So I walked out to the garage Saturday morning to begin my errand running and our van had a flat, I was unable to do anything about as the tire shops were about to close so I had to wait until Monday to get it taken care of. So Sunday night I got out there and got the jack out of the back of the van and started jacking the van up so I could get the tire out and as I was doing that I noticed that the jack was leaning it was almost to the point that it couldn't go any higher and I still had quite a bit of height to go.
It was frustrating, disappointing and it was a little scary because at any moment that jack could have slipped out from underneath the van and it might have come out and hit me, that would not have been good!! So I went to my neighbors house and he was kind enough to lend me his NASCAR jack that got the van to where I needed it in 3 pumps!!
As I was coming inside my wife said wow that didn't take long and I as the words came out of my mouth the Holy Spirit began to speak to me, I told her, "things are alot easier when you have the right tools." And I realized that so many times I try to use the wrong tools to get things done in my walk with God and it can be frustrating, disappointing, and scary at times. I try so many times to do things in my own power when I should be letting God fight my battles!!
But when we use the tools that God has given us then things are a lot easier!!
Are you using the right tools?
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Who are you?
Heard a great message tonight on raising up a standard against the enemy, to know that when the enemy comes in like a flood, that God will raise up a standard against him.
The thing that most spoke to me was when the preacher said that we have to realize who we are fighting, we are fighting against the enemy that is coming against us, not ourselves...we are not defined by our battle, our temptation, our sickness, we are saints of God, soldiers in the army of the Lord and we are fighting against the prince of the power of the air.
So you may be wondering who you are, if you have have been saved, you are child of God and you must know that you are more than a conqueror through Christ!
God Bless,
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The thing that most spoke to me was when the preacher said that we have to realize who we are fighting, we are fighting against the enemy that is coming against us, not ourselves...we are not defined by our battle, our temptation, our sickness, we are saints of God, soldiers in the army of the Lord and we are fighting against the prince of the power of the air.
So you may be wondering who you are, if you have have been saved, you are child of God and you must know that you are more than a conqueror through Christ!
God Bless,
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Saturday, March 13, 2010
The first established institution that God created was the family, this speaks volumes figuratively and literally...we are in Texas spending some time with family this weekend and I realized that family is something that you are to guard above all else!
If you win a million souls to Christ but your family is lost, you have failed at the first thing that God wants us to do, make sure our family is saved...that is what God stressed when he told Noah to build the ark and to bring his family aboard and after that preach to the others on the earth!
What is your families spiritual status?
God Bless,
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If you win a million souls to Christ but your family is lost, you have failed at the first thing that God wants us to do, make sure our family is saved...that is what God stressed when he told Noah to build the ark and to bring his family aboard and after that preach to the others on the earth!
What is your families spiritual status?
God Bless,
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Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Without Dilution '10
Getting very excited about Without Dilution twenty10, the flyer's came in today and we made our first drop today to a youth pastor here in town and he was already very excited about the conference! I am very much looking forward to what God is going to do, I am expecting incredible life changing stories to come out of this conference!! NOTHING is impossible for God!!
There will be great music, there will be an iPod touch given to 1 guy and 1 girl, there is a great lineup of speakers that will be there, and there will be a ton of young people there that are seeking for more from God and all they need is a little push in the right direction!!!
Put it on your calendar April 14th @ 6:30 P.M.!!!!
God Bless,
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
The Word of God
Heard several great messages over the past couple of days and out of the many things that I received out of these services, one of the things that stuck out the most was this, do you believe the Word of God?
Everything that we do stems out of that one simple fact, if you really believe the Word of God then that opens up almost an entirely new world to you! Think about the verse that says that with men everything is impossible but with God all things are possible...Wow the possibilities when we realize that we are nothing and can do nothing, but with God anything is possible!!!
God Bless,
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Everything that we do stems out of that one simple fact, if you really believe the Word of God then that opens up almost an entirely new world to you! Think about the verse that says that with men everything is impossible but with God all things are possible...Wow the possibilities when we realize that we are nothing and can do nothing, but with God anything is possible!!!
God Bless,
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Saturday, March 6, 2010
Condoms - A bandaid for a bigger problem
I am incredibly righteously angry right now, I just read a report that there is a company in Switzerland that is making smaller condoms that will be small enough to fit 12 year old boys. What?? That was my first reaction, soon followed by sadness, righteous indignation, and sadly a feeling that it really doesn't surprise me.
What more should I expect from a society that says, let's not teach our young people why it is so beneficial to them to wait to have sex until they are married, but instead, takes an attitude that says that teenagers are just going to have sex no matter what so lets just try and prevent any further damage. This is the problem with being too politically correct, instead of telling someone that they are wrong in what they are doing and telling them what is right, we instead give them the knowledge to know how to have sex and provide for them an environment that basically encourages being sexually active and wonder why our young people are so emotionally and psychologically messed up.
Instead of teaching them it's wrong to inflict pain upon themselves, we give them a band-aid that just might keep them from more pain and it might not. Great job society, great job.
We need some people that will not be afraid to stand up and proclaim the truth, will you give out band-aids, or will you address the bigger problem, SIN?
God Bless,
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Be Still
So, I have been praying about one certain thing for about a month now and trying to what we humans always do, and that is try to figure the situation out on my own and as I sit here watching my son play I heard the Holy Spirit speak these words...Be still and know that I am God!
I immediately thought of Moses as God spoke those words, how hard it must have been to "be still" at that moment! This is something that is hard for us to do as we(humans) love to control everything, but the most important thing we can do is be still and let God work like He wants to!!!
In the end His name will be glorified and the dreams He has given you he will fulfill!
So, Be still and know that He is God!!!
God Bless,
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I immediately thought of Moses as God spoke those words, how hard it must have been to "be still" at that moment! This is something that is hard for us to do as we(humans) love to control everything, but the most important thing we can do is be still and let God work like He wants to!!!
In the end His name will be glorified and the dreams He has given you he will fulfill!
So, Be still and know that He is God!!!
God Bless,
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Seek Wisdom
@ Life Church we have a Men's Bible Study that we do every Wednesday morning @ Panera Bread and we just finished up the Freedom Begins Here devotional book, which was excellent by the way and were discussing what we wanted to study next. One of the guys there suggested that we do a study on Proverbs, so that is what we are going to do. I try to read a proverb every day, because there is just so much practical wisdom in that book.
As I began to to skim over it today, I noticed something right off the bat, and that was this, God wants us to seek after wisdom. Proverbs 1:7 - The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge: but fools despise wisdom and instruction.
I mean think about it, you start seeking after wisdom and you will find out that pretty soon what you are finding is more of God. You will begin to have a knowledge of who God really is, and that is where you will receive wisdom. Get close enough to God to start to know who He really is and you will find yourself becoming more like Him!
God Bless,
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
43 days
Super pumped...only 43 days until Without Dilution '10, will it be your life that is changed this year? I guess you'll just have to be there to find out!!!
I can't wait to see what God has in store for the conference, I really believe that we are going to see some things happen that will blow our spiritual minds, God is still able!
Going to be a couple of iPod touches given away and we are working on getting a special surprise presentation there that will knock your socks off, so bring all your friends!!!
God Bless,
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I can't wait to see what God has in store for the conference, I really believe that we are going to see some things happen that will blow our spiritual minds, God is still able!
Going to be a couple of iPod touches given away and we are working on getting a special surprise presentation there that will knock your socks off, so bring all your friends!!!
God Bless,
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Monday, March 1, 2010
Great Leadership Lesson
Ever wonder why as a Leader that some things just don't work out?? Check out the link below for a convicting look at your ministry;
This will convict you to be a leader that seeks God's will above your own more often!!
God Bless,
Break Down The Walls
I am very excited about what God is doing right now, I believe that we are at the beginning stages of a nationwide revival. I believe that God is beginning to break down the walls of religion, the walls of competition between churches and denominations and we, the church of America, are at the point now that we don't care who receives the fruit from prayers and labor, but that God gets the glory and His kingdom is built!!
The last days revival is happening right now, are you going to be a part? Lay aside your pride, lay aside your selfishness and begin to pray that God will pour out His Spirit on not only your church, but the one down the road...Pray that not only will he pour out His Spirit on the Pentecostals, Baptists, Methodists, Presbyterians, Church of Gods, etc. We all need Almighty God to pour out His Spirit on us!!!
Will you be the head of a revival, or will you bring up the tail??
God Bless,
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Understanding the times
So I know I just posted a blog on this, but I believe this subject to be so fitting and relevant that I want to say a few more things about it...
Not only does understanding the times refer to the big picture, but I believe it also refers to the detailed picture, for example, say you are witnessing to someone about Jesus, you will definetly need discernment or an understanding of the time or season of life a person is in, in order to effectively witness the Gospel!
All of this comes through prayer and fasting, you will not be effective in preaching Jesus until you have spent time with Him and that is really what will set us apart the understanding that time is limited and the more time we spend with God the more of an understanding we will have of our times!
God Bless,
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Not only does understanding the times refer to the big picture, but I believe it also refers to the detailed picture, for example, say you are witnessing to someone about Jesus, you will definetly need discernment or an understanding of the time or season of life a person is in, in order to effectively witness the Gospel!
All of this comes through prayer and fasting, you will not be effective in preaching Jesus until you have spent time with Him and that is really what will set us apart the understanding that time is limited and the more time we spend with God the more of an understanding we will have of our times!
God Bless,
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Friday, February 26, 2010
An Understanding of the Times
I was reading 1 Chronicles just a couple of days ago and came across this verse that caught my attention and I want to share it with you...1 Chronicles 12:32 - of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do...
Ok, so you have to understand that they are going through and counting the men that they had for war, and when they came to the sons of Issachar they said, Hey these are the guys that understand the times we are in and they know what we should do...Wow!! Can you imagine, there were hundreds of thousands of men that were being counted and prepared to go into war and the Bible says that these are the guys that understand the times!!
Why is that such an awesome verse, because that is what we all desire, to understand the times we are in, because when you understand that, you will be able to minister more effectively! So when you pray, pray that God would give you an understanding of the times...if we the church, Christians, do not understand the times we are in, or what is going on around us, how are supposed to be able to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an efficient and effective manner?
God give us an understanding of the times, give us wisdom to know how to effectively build your kingdom in this hour, in the last days!!
God Bless,
Monday, February 22, 2010
Prayer, you can't live(spiritually) without it!!
You know the more I pray the more I realize that it is such a vital means of communicating with God, the other vital part of that is reading His Word and while reading the Word of God is an opportunity for us to hear what God would like to say to us, prayer is a way for God to speak to us as well. But most importantly it is the way we are able to talk to God. It is how we can tell him about the things going on in our life, not that He doesn't already know, I mean He is God!
I mean can you imagine trying to carry on a conversation with someone and you are the only one talking or they are the only one talking? That conversation would not be very long and it would probably end in someone getting aggravated! You couldn't expect to continue a relationship with someone if the talking was just one-sided...the same can be said of our relationship with God. If all we do is talk to Him and tell Him about everything going on in our lives and we don't listen to him then things aren't going to go the way we want, after all if we don't listen to Him how can we expect to know what He expects from us?
God is speaking to you, are you listening?
God Bless,
Monday, February 8, 2010
The Presence of God
I love to be in the Presence of God and our Pastor Jim Laudell explained the Presence of God in such a powerful way that I have to share it with you today, there are times where you hear message after message on a certain subject and you get it, but the light bulb doesn't quite come one, well @ Life Church yesterday the light bulb came on for all of us!!
There are a few people that I would trust with my credit card, I can give it to them and know that if I said bring that back to me next Sunday they would bring it back, they would make sure that card stayed in their wallet, they would probably even open their wallet a few times a day to make sure it was still there, they would make sure that card came back to me next Sunday!! If I told them to go to the store and get one specific thing with the card, but nothing else they would get just that, they would not buy things for themselves, take their friends out for dinner, buy themselves clothes, no they would do just as I said. They would not abuse what I had given them and they would make sure and keep it with them all throughout the week!!
This is the way we should be with the Presence of God!! It should be with us all throughout the week, we should make sure and check our hearts and make sure we have not done something that would grieve the Holy Spirit and cause him to remove His Presence from our lives! We should make sure that we don't listen, watch, or say things that would make him want to leave our presence!!! God's Presence should be treasured and kept with us at all costs! More of you and less of ME!!!
God Bless,
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
April 14th
Mark it down on your calendar....this will be the date for the Without Dilution Purity Conference in Bentonville for 2010. I am expecting great things from God, as we work with the area youth pastors and churches to reach teenagers with a message of salvation, forgiveness, and purity!!
My God is a God of second chances and I am so glad that we are going to be able to let some young people know that God loves them, he died for them, and he wants them to live a life that is above all that they could ask or think!!!
God Bless,
Monday, February 1, 2010
Without Dilution Conference '10
We were recently asked by a network of youth pastors here in Bentonville, Ar to host a "Without Dilution Purity Conference" in April and we couldn't be more excited!!! This is a door that God has opened and I love the fact that there are multiple denominations coming together to make a stand for purity!! I cannot wait to see what happens when the body of Christ comes together with one goal in mind, the one goal above all....Purity in Heart!!!
God Bless,
Friday, January 29, 2010
A Father's Pride
Just a couple of days ago I was working from home and I was sitting at the table and my son Jake was doing something that he should not have been doing, so I told him not to and gave him a little more further direction that was a little more detailed than stopping what he was doing. He immediately obeyed me, to the letter, and at that moment I felt an incredible amount of pride.
It was then that I heard the Lord say this, that is how I feel when you obey talk about a flood of emotions that started flooding through me!!! On the one hand, I was encouraged that the Lord would speak to me at that moment, on the other hand I was incredibly convicted thinking of the many times that I have not obeyed God. It reminded me of the story of Abraham and Isaac, God told Abraham to take his only son Isaac and offer him as a sacrifice, this was no doubt a tough decision to make. The scripture says that Abraham awoke the very next morning and departed to follow God's instructions, that is what God is looking for from us, immediate obedience.
Is there something in your life that God has told you to do or not do?
God Bless,
Monday, January 25, 2010
I am NOT perfect!!
God knows exactly what you need when you need it and never fails to speak to you right when you need it and I am so thankful for that!! I am a people-person, I want everyone to like me, I want to be friends with everyone, I hate disappointing people, hate to say things that would make someone mad or that might hurt their feelings. I love people, and this weakness of seeking every one's approval has always gave me the complex that I have to do things PERFECT!
God has really been dealing with me about this here lately and it came to a point last night, as always I was going through the nightly beat myself up I was doing this I decided to open my e-mail. I am subscribed to receive Mark Batterson's blog to my e-mail and the last e-mail I received was titled, The Applause of Nail-Scarred Hands. As I began to read I felt like weeping, I felt like God was speaking directly to me, and I realize now, I am not perfect and I don't have to be, I only need to seek after holiness, I only need to seek for the applause of nail-scarred hands!!
As Mark Batterson said, the only applause we are meant to seek is that of nail-scarred hands.
So if you wrestle with this, be encouraged and seek after the only approval that matters, God's!!
God Bless,
Saturday, January 23, 2010
What if You Treated the Bible Like You do Your Cell-phone

What if we treated our Bible like we do our Cellphone?
What if we carried it around in our purses or our pocket?
What if we turned back to get it if we forgot it?
What if we flipped through it several times a day?
What if we used it to receive messages?
What if we treated it like we couldn’t make it without it?
What if we gave it to kids as gifts?
What if we used it while we traveled?
What if we used it in case of an emergency?
Makes you stop and think…
Where is my Bible?
Where are my priorities?
Unlike your cell-phone your Bible will never be…
Will You Take the Challenge???
Shouldn’t You Treat it Even Better???
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
The River of Ahava
I was reading in the book of Ezra today and ran across a passage of scripture that caught my attention, in Ezra chapter 8 Ezra is gathering everyone together to fast and pray because their enemies are coming against them, and he has already told the King that God would be all that they need and so he does not want to send for the King's help, he wants to show that God was able to come through for His children.
Great story and Ezra is a great little book in the Bible, read it you'll love it! But the thing that caught my attention was with their enemies looking for a way to destroy them and it seemed like the whole world wanted them to fail, that Ezra took all of these people to the river of Ahava!! What? your not shouting for joy, your not encouraged? Well, let me tell you why you should be, Ahava means to subsist, to subsist means, to exist, to remain alive, to live!! When I read that I was encouraged, Ezra knew that there was a place that He could go and seek the face of God and live! The word says in John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
So, if you feel like the World is against you and it seems like the enemy is doing all he can to destroy you, that you can go to the river of Ahava, the river of life. It is there that you can find life and that more abundantly!!! God wants you to remember that there is a river that flows and will not be moved and you can receive life from that river!!! Psalms 46:3-5 - Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
God Bless,
Great story and Ezra is a great little book in the Bible, read it you'll love it! But the thing that caught my attention was with their enemies looking for a way to destroy them and it seemed like the whole world wanted them to fail, that Ezra took all of these people to the river of Ahava!! What? your not shouting for joy, your not encouraged? Well, let me tell you why you should be, Ahava means to subsist, to subsist means, to exist, to remain alive, to live!! When I read that I was encouraged, Ezra knew that there was a place that He could go and seek the face of God and live! The word says in John 10:10 - The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.
So, if you feel like the World is against you and it seems like the enemy is doing all he can to destroy you, that you can go to the river of Ahava, the river of life. It is there that you can find life and that more abundantly!!! God wants you to remember that there is a river that flows and will not be moved and you can receive life from that river!!! Psalms 46:3-5 - Though the waters thereof roar and be troubled, though the mountains shake with the swelling thereof. Selah. There is a river, the streams whereof shall make glad the city of God, the holy place of the tabernacles of the most High. God is in the midst of her; she shall not be moved: God shall help her, and that right early.
God Bless,
Sunday, January 10, 2010
The Heart of the Matter
Kicked off revival this morning @ Life Church, great services, but the message this morning was on how when it is all said and done God just wants us to give Him our heart. Everything flows from your heart, your desires, your dreams, your passions, everything!!! So, when we give ALL of our heart to God, then he truly has ALL of us!!
So, have you given ALL of your heart to God?
God Bless,
So, have you given ALL of your heart to God?
God Bless,
Monday, January 4, 2010
The Pursuit of Holiness
At the end of '09 and the beginning of the 2010, I have been praying and asking God about what my goals spiritually should be for this year and this one scripture has kept coming back to my mind every time I pray and I believe that I am not the only one that God desires for this to be their goal this year! The passage is Hebrews 12:14 - Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord:
For so long when someone says the word "holiness" immediately people think of legalism and an outward standard that defines your level of holiness towards God, and while setting a standard and sticking to it is important, there is one thing that we must remember, EVERYONE has some level of inconsistency in them, but God is the same today, yesterday and forever! So, instead of focusing on the standards that one sets, let us instead actually do what the scripture instructs us to do, and pursue holiness.
The pursuit of holiness is not about something that we do or don't do, and it's not about something that we wear or don't wear, it is about setting ourselves apart to see God. If you are truly setting yourself apart and seeking God diligently, then the outward standards will take care of themselves!
Another reason it is so important to pursue holiness, is because God said to, He said, Be ye holy, for I am holy! Leviticus 20:7 - Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God. So pursue Holiness, God's Holiness!!
God Bless,
For so long when someone says the word "holiness" immediately people think of legalism and an outward standard that defines your level of holiness towards God, and while setting a standard and sticking to it is important, there is one thing that we must remember, EVERYONE has some level of inconsistency in them, but God is the same today, yesterday and forever! So, instead of focusing on the standards that one sets, let us instead actually do what the scripture instructs us to do, and pursue holiness.
The pursuit of holiness is not about something that we do or don't do, and it's not about something that we wear or don't wear, it is about setting ourselves apart to see God. If you are truly setting yourself apart and seeking God diligently, then the outward standards will take care of themselves!
Another reason it is so important to pursue holiness, is because God said to, He said, Be ye holy, for I am holy! Leviticus 20:7 - Sanctify yourselves therefore, and be ye holy: for I am the LORD your God. So pursue Holiness, God's Holiness!!
God Bless,
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