What more should I expect from a society that says, let's not teach our young people why it is so beneficial to them to wait to have sex until they are married, but instead, takes an attitude that says that teenagers are just going to have sex no matter what so lets just try and prevent any further damage. This is the problem with being too politically correct, instead of telling someone that they are wrong in what they are doing and telling them what is right, we instead give them the knowledge to know how to have sex and provide for them an environment that basically encourages being sexually active and wonder why our young people are so emotionally and psychologically messed up.
Instead of teaching them it's wrong to inflict pain upon themselves, we give them a band-aid that just might keep them from more pain and it might not. Great job society, great job.
We need some people that will not be afraid to stand up and proclaim the truth, will you give out band-aids, or will you address the bigger problem, SIN?
God Bless,