Friday, February 26, 2010

An Understanding of the Times

I was reading 1 Chronicles just a couple of days ago and came across this verse that caught my attention and I want to share it with you...1 Chronicles 12:32 - of the sons of Issachar who had understanding of the times, to know what Israel ought to do...

Ok, so you have to understand that they are going through and counting the men that they had for war, and when they came to the sons of Issachar they said, Hey these are the guys that understand the times we are in and they know what we should do...Wow!! Can you imagine, there were hundreds of thousands of men that were being counted and prepared to go into war and the Bible says that these are the guys that understand the times!!

Why is that such an awesome verse, because that is what we all desire, to understand the times we are in, because when you understand that, you will be able to minister more effectively! So when you pray, pray that God would give you an understanding of the times...if we the church, Christians, do not understand the times we are in, or what is going on around us, how are supposed to be able to minister the Gospel of Jesus Christ in an efficient and effective manner?

God give us an understanding of the times, give us wisdom to know how to effectively build your kingdom in this hour, in the last days!!

God Bless,

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