Monday, November 9, 2009

Apostle Paul's Job Description

Apostle Paul’s Job Description

Must show excellent communicational skills, and be willing to travel a lot (without pay). You must support yourself financially by working on the side in your spare time. One of your priorities will be to reach a demographic group that is shunned by most of the people around you and be prepared to face sharp criticism for doing so, even by your fellow laborers. Must be ready to work at all hours of the day and night, there is no set schedule.

Must be willing to endure extreme personal, physical, and emotional suffering such as but not limited to:
- Being stoned
- Being beaten to the extent of the law
- Spending an extensive amount of time in prison
- Tactfully handling situations with demon possessed people and also suicidal people
- Endure contention and possible rejection by good friends and fellow laborers
- Must be able to swim in stormy and cold conditions
- Be prepared for snakebites
- Be able to write extensively in very dimly lit and unsanitary conditions
- Be able to speak convincingly to world leaders about controversial topics
- And ultimately be put to a very painful tortuous death.

Who is ready to sign up for this? Sad to say but most are not willing to pay the price of sacrifice and commitment it takes to turn the world upside down. But the reach and influence of the Apostle Paul is still felt today because of his dedication to obeying the call of God on his life.

YOU are called for a purpose! And no one who has experienced Salvation is exempt from the ministry of telling the good news of the gospel of Christ!
In 1 Corinthians 4 Paul says “We have this ministry…” Everyone who has been reconciled by the shed blood of Christ has “a ministry.”

May you never forget that unless you obey the voice of God and follow the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life, you will never be completely fulfilled in our life! Your sphere of influence could be the only one who reaches certain people with the Gospel.

Don’t discount the ministry God is speaking into your life! And strive to be close enough to Him to hear His voice!

When John leaned on the breast of Jesus (John 13:23) because of his position he could not only hear the heartbeat of Christ, but he could also see from the Saviors perspective as well. Get close to Him! Listen for His voice! And OBEY!


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